CNI News

9 August 2023

There are discussions among political circle relating to how the ongoing political crisis will be overcome from the experience of the public uprising that occurred in 1988 in Myanmar and they are looking for a way that can overcome the crisis. 

Although 8888 uprising has been 35 years long, the unity between the military and the civil has not been achieved. Moreover, armed conflicts are breaking out widely.

The All Burma Students Democratic Front that started an armed revolution from the 8888 Uprising accepted that the problem for the change of the country must be solved through dialogue, Yebaw Aye Lwin, spokesperson of the ABSDF to CNI News.

People demanding democracy and police force

"what we talk about depends on the time and condition. We, ADSDF, have accepted the dialogue as a process. In the past we held discussions. There will be a time when we will have to meet and discuss, I believe. We'll have a dialogue as a process when we change the country, that I accept. We have always said to enable those who should participate to take part in the dialogue. We never refused a dialogue." he said.  

Due to the political landscapes that arose after February 2021, armed conflicts have been widely taking place Without ability to build the people's politics, democracy could not be won, said U Sein Win, former member of the Hluttaw to CNI News.

"Due to the lack of regulations and systematic management, we reached the current situation. This happened because of weak action-taking. Now we are also, taking lessons from the past, responding on the status quo with two ways. One is the Spring Revolution. According to our age and our experience, without ability to build the people's politics, we can't win the democracy." he said.

The country is facing with crises due to the current armed conflicts and although there are attempts to solve the problem, it has not been solved up to now.