CNI News

August 8, 2023

The ultimate goal of the State Administration Council was to hold a free and fair general election of the multi-party democratic system and actions must be taken to ensure stability throughout the country, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC.

He said as above during a meeting with the members of the SAC that was reshuffled on 7th August, 2023. 

He would go on performing to ensure the peace and stability of the country and strive to make the goals successful, he said adding that due to the actions of so-called PDFs and some EAOs, not only peace and stability, rule of law and regional development but also rights to education of the students were greatly damaged.

" As for us, actions must be taken to ensure peace and stability, and rule of law and the ultimate goal of the SAC is to hold a free and fair general election of the multi party democratic system. So, we must carry out to ensure peace and stability throughout the country so that the election can be held successfully" he said.

The Tatmadaw was carrying out emphatically in accordance with the NCA agreements to ensure peace and stability in the ethnic regions and the EAOs also needed to do so, said the chairman of the SAC, adding that peace and regional development could not be performed with conservative thinking and concepts and it was necessary to think and act in accordance with the current reality of the country.

"If the SAC's performances for the peace and stability, rule of law and the development of the people's social economy were disturbed, their development would be delayed." Said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing. He wanted to urge the entire people to cooperate with the SAC to ensure the peace and stability and to strengthen the multi-party democratic system, he said.

The battles are severely taking place between the Tatmadaw and the EAOs/PDFs in Sagaing, Magway, Tanintharyi Regions, Chin, Kachin, Kayin,and Kayah States. 
Due to the battles, there are about one million IDPs and agriculture and other regional businesses have declined so much reportedly.