CNI News

1 August 2023

As there are already 25 percent of military members of the Hluttaw, if any more of 25 percent were added, the Hluttaw could reach a quorum and could be held, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC). 
He said as above at the meeting the National Defense and Security held on 31st July, 2023. The meeting decided to extend the state of emergency for another six months.

" According to the 2008 constitution, if more than half of the Hluttaw members attended the Hluttaw session on the first day, the meeting could be held successfully. And then if only one third of the Hluttaw members attended the next sections, the Hluttaw could be held successfully. As there are 25 percent of military Hluttaw members, if any more of 25 percent were added, the Hulttaw session could be successfully held," he said.

Military members of the Hluttaw (Teza Hlaing)

If the Hluttaw was held like that, there might be an image problem that the Tatmadaw forced the meeting to reach a quorum. 
In the same way, when the union president, vice president, members of the government and chief ministers of the regions and states were elected, it could be performed as he discussed as above, but it's not suitable in terms of dignity, he said.

The SAC was trying to get 75 percent of elected representatives from a general election and it would be difficult to hold a general election that achieved 100 percent, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

U T Khun Myat, speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw

The Tatmadaw toppled down the NLD government on 1st February 2021 after saying that the NLD was trying to form a government without solving the ballot dispute that took place in the 2020 general election and announced the state of emergency. The meetings of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw and Pyithu Hluttaw have been stopped up to now since that day.

Most of the members of Hluttaw have earned the pensions rewarded by the State and some members of the Hluttaw are waging armed revolution to oust the Tatmadaw.