CNI News
1 August 2023

If Myanmar people go on facing not only monetary inflation but also rising commodity prices until 2024, the number of Myanmar nationals who will go abroad may increase, those who are helping migrants said to CNI News.

The prices of foreign currencies are going up with current monetary inflation and because there is a situation that commodity prices will go on rising, the number of Myanmar people who will go abroad legally or illegally may increase, they said.

" You can enter Thailand illegally and work there without any educational qualification. But it's not easy to sneak into Japan, South Korea and Dubai. You can enter Malaysia illegally,but it's a little more difficult than to enter Thailand. Most Myanmar people are likely to sneak into Thailand" said Ko Thar Gyi, one who is helping migrant workers.

Because there are rising basic commodity prices, job scarcity and low basic salary, the number of people who go abroad has increased and at the same time, workers might be scarce locally, those who are carrying out migrant worker's affairs said.

Somewhere downtown Yangon

Although some countries including Thailand are calling the workers from Myanmar, Malaysia has not called Myanmar workers as yet reportedly.

Relevant departments do not tend to negotiate and discuss the problems relating to illegal workers reportedly. There are people who are sneaking into Malaysia at present and more people are likely to sneak into Malaysia in the future, said U Barbu Gyi helping Myanmar nationals to CNI News.  

" According to the current situation, it will be more difficult for Myanmar people.The current government cannot do anything. We need a change. Some people can't do it for a living or can't live anymore in some places of Myanmar.I'm sorry to say that but famine will happen" he said.

Because new 20,000 kyat notes will be issued, basic commodity prices have also gone up. So, if relevant authorities can't control rising basic commodity prices, thefts and robberies probably will be rampant, those who are helping migrant workers said.