CNI News

2 August 2023

Myanmar nationals in Malaysia who apply for passports and work permits have been increasingly cheated for the time being, said Myanmar people in Malaysia to CNI News.

Those who were cheated lost not only their money but also their Nationality Verification Registration Cards, said U Barbu Gyi helping Myanmar people in Malaysia to CNI News.


" There are many youths who lost their money and nationality registration cards after applying for work permits through brokers. If the department issuing the work permit books performed systematically, there is no reason that can't be solved, I think. Because Myanmar citizens here in Malaysia wanted to be legal, they relied on Myanmar brokers and applied for work permits, giving about five thousand ringgits to brokers. But several brokers cheated. Because the brokers cheated like this, the youths who were cheated don't have any place to report. If they go to a police station and report there, they will get into trouble. They will be arrested because they are overstayers. Myanmar brokers know that weak point. So, they are cheating. They are acting as gangsters or thugs or bosses in association with bad authorities" he said.

One who applies for work permit needs to have an employer and to present the employer's license, insurance, bank account and so on. But some employers do not tend to go out of the way to perform for their workers. So, Myanmar citizens tend to apply through brokers reportedly. Because the original documents including the nationality registration cards must be used as evidence, if someone will apply through a broker, he should carefully investigate, said Hmwar Michael helping Myanmar people to CNI News.

Myanmar people applying for passports

"If a Myanmar citizen can speak a little Malaysian and is a little cunning, he is very likely to be an agent. Our Myanmar people can't do anything without an agency. So, the agents take advantage. What I want to specially warn our Myanmar people, if you will hire an agency, you should inquire about the agency carefully. If the current employer goes to the immigration department to perform for you, you don't need to hire a broker. Because employers don't want to help, agents and brokers are hired." he said.

Because the workers without any evidence are not employed in Malaysia at present, job opportunities are scarce reportedly. Although one doesn't have a work permit, only if one has a passport, one will be employed. So, necessary documents are being applied without failure reportedly.