CNI News

24 July 2023

Although there was an agreement between ASEAN and Myanmar in relation to implementation of five-point consensus in order to solve the armed conflicts and political crisis currently taking place in Myanmar, discussions whther the implementation is working or not are underway. 
There are reviews relating to the current crisis that has started since 1st February, 2021, has not been able to be solved as yet. 
The State Administration Council was trying to implement the five-point consensus, said U Li Paw Reh, chairman of Lisu National Developmemt Party (Dulei Party) to CNI News. 

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing was attending an ASEAN summit

"The government will wait for some time and then implement this, I think." he said.

The five-point consensus was laid down at the ASEAN Leaders Meeting held in April, 2021 and they are as follow: First, there shall be immediate cessation of violence in Myanmar and all parties shall exercise utmost restraint.
Second, constructive dialogue among all parties concerned shall commence to seek a peaceful solution in the interests of the people. 
Third, a special envoy of the ASEAN Chair shall facilitate mediation of the dialogue process, with the assistance of the SecretaryGeneral of ASEAN. Fourth, ASEAN shall provide humanitarian assistance through the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre).

 an ASEAN flag was being set fire

Fifth, the special envoy and delegation shall visit Myanmar to meet with all parties concerned. Realization of the five-point consensus was a matter of priority for ASEAN, said Miss Retno L.P. Marsudi, Indonesian Foreign Minister on 14th July, 2023.

A motorcade carrying delegates from Indonesian and Singaporean embassies was shot in Sisai Township, southern Shan State on 7th May, 2023.
With the armed conflicts becoming widely spread since on the 1st of February, 2021, there have been many civilian deaths, houses damaged and burned, and internally displaced persons.