CNI News

25 July, 2023

If either the Pheu Thai Party or the Move Forward Party led and formed a new government except for the Thai army, it would be convenient for them, said the people helping in the affairs of Myanmar migrant workers, to CNI News.
If the Thai military regained power, nothing would change about migrant workers, so they wanted a civilian government, they said to CNI News.

" If a civilian government gained the power, its members of parliament that are familiar to migrant workers and trade unions would help at a dialogue or meeting relating to workers' problems. If the military government gained the power, when a discussion relating to migrant workers is held or a decision relating to migrant workers comes out, it may be difficult or costly for the workers. Maybe a fat chance to point out systematically something bad or good." said Ko Naing Naing Aung, Director of the Arakan Workers Organization.

Myanmar migrant workers

The MFP which won most of the seats in the election joined the eight paties to form a coalition government and Pita, the MFP's leader who ran for Prime Minister, was defeated. So, the leader of the Pheu Thai Party which won 2nd most of the seats in the election is making preparations to run for Prime Minister.

Although the two parties had talked about migrant workers in the campaign periods, most of the migrant workers wanted the MFP to form a new government, said U Min Oo, in charge of labor affairs from FED, to CNI News.  

" We are yellow. We are Move Forward Party supporters. MFP was able to explain about the migrant worker policy more than Pheu Thai. If the basic salaries were increased, the problems relating to the flow of commodity or products. MFP has the policy to solve the problems like that. The youths who are included in the MFP are interested in the matters relating to migrant workers and understand as well. Besides, they know that the migrant workers are a driving force of their country's economy." he said.

the Move Forward Party supporters and Pita

However, the Pheu Thai Party will probably expel the MFP from eight party coalition and there are also reviews that the Pheu Thai Party will likely join the United Thai Nation Party , the backing party of the Thai military . 
If the Pheu Thai Party joined the the United Thai Nation Party, the Thai people possibly would change their attitude on the Pheu Thai Party and then, protests might arise, said those who are carrying out in the affairs of migrant workers.  

The MFP will propose a PM candidate from the Pheu Thai Party at the third joint parliament assembly that will be held on 27th July and the Pheu Thai probably will also propose a PM candidate they have chosen. Most of the Thai people except the people from northern Thailand support the MFP and Pita, the party leader.