CNI News

24 July 2023

Some IDP women in Rakhine State don't know about family planning pretty well and international organizations and civil societies are still weak in educating IDP women about family planning, said IDP women.
People in IDP camps are finding it difficult about not only food, clothes and shelter but also health items used for women, said Ma Aye Khin, from the Taung Min Kalar IDP camp in Kyauk Taw Township, Rakhine State." Women are told if they give birth to babies, they will get into trouble. 

they will find it difficult to do for a living. But they are not given contraceptive pills. Because they can't buy the pills, they have been pregnant when previous child hasn't been one year old yet. Do the pregnant women have to look after their children? They have various kinds of difficulties. They are weak in health knowledge." she said to CNI News.

A woman from a Rakhine IDP camp (Frontier) 

Although Woman organizations had educated IDP women about health knowledge, IDP women are still weak in health knowledge, Daw Nyo Aye, chairperson of the Arakan Women Network to CNI News.

" Why they are experiencing difficulties, almost every rural clinics have been destroyed. Even before they were destroyed, we didn't have enough staff. Although we had educated women about family planning, we can't say that it was enough. Even though we had thoroughly explained to them about family planning, some women didn't understand. Some women know how to use contraceptive pills, but they sometimes fail to drink a day or two because they are worried about food or worrisome period." she said.

Entrance to Sittwe

Medical aids and healthcare are needed for the people staying in the IDP camps because the people there are weak in health knowledge, said IDPs.

Over 100 women were killed due to armed conflicts in Myanmar from 25th April, 2023 to June 2023, according to the Burmese Women Union (BWU). According to a statement released by IDP Myanmar, there were 810, 889 IDPs due to armed conflicts from 1st February 2021 to 25th April, 2022 and before that, there were 497,200 IDPs. At present there are 1,308,089 IDPs altogether reportedly.