CNI News

13 July 2023

Although there are a lot of Chinese investments in Rakhine State, they do not benefit the Rakhine public and Rakhine State, said Rakhine politicians and Rakhine public. 

Chinese investment has reached not only regions but also states, but the people have not benefited from the investment, said U Tun Aung Kyaw, a Rakhine politician to CNI News.

" Of all the investment in Rakhine State, the main is Chinese investment, but in relation with the investment, Rakhine people's expectations were not fully met. Although they expected that foreign investment companies would create job opportunities for them, the companies have not benefited them effectively up to now” he said.

beauty of Mrauk U in Rakhine State

Chinese investment projects don't take into account job opportunities for Rakhine People, said U Tun Aung Kyaw.

" Another sad thing is that these companies took their people for main bottom jobs such as gatekeepers, drivers, cooks and so on. So, Rakhine State obviously doesn't benefit from these companies." he said to CNI News.

There are Chinese projects in Rakhine State, but human rights of Rakhine people there are being violated, said Ko Kyaw Min Khaing, a local from Rathedaung to CNI News. 

" Up to now, most Chinese investments haven't benefited Rakhine people at all. Chinese investment is directly related to the Chinese government. And there are human rights violations against the people. If you ask me whether I like investment or not, I like it, but I don't like the way of exploiting the locals after violating human rights." he said.

China is building the Kyauk Phyu deep water port, gas and oil pipeline and special economic zone in Rakhine State.

Kyauk Phyu Deep Water Port Project in Rakhine State

" Locals who make a living by catching fish were prevented. They must be allowed to catch fish. And land lots were seized and landlords whose land lots were seized must be given other land lots. A country needs investment to get on. Due to investment, it's necessary that locals are not victimized" said Ko Kyaw Min Khaing.  

Because Chinese investment doesn't benefit local people, he doesn't believe in Chinese, said U Maung Thar Sein, an elder of the town from Sittwe Township. " When we are trying a state of our own in Rakhine State, we need to protect the rest of our natural resources unitedly so that they won't reach into the hands of the Chinese," he said to CNI News.

The Chinese government will carry out the wind power projects in Ann, Thandwe and Gwa townships in Rakhine State, said in the contract on which Myanmar Ministry of Electricity and Chinese company signed on 1st March, 2023. Moreover, Kaladan River Project, an investment of India is in Rakhine State,too.Mainly, Rakhine State does border trade with Bangladesh.