CNI News

13 July 2023

According to India's demand, 100 tons of avocados will be exported to India in coming November, said Myanmar Avocado Growers and Sellers Association. 
Myanmar avocados were shown at the food and hotel fair held in Singapore in April.
There as India liked Myanmar avocados, it signed a contract to buy the avocados in the coming avocado season, said U Kyaw Thu, vice chairman of Myanmar Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Producer and Exporter Association, to CNI News.  

"We went and showed our avocados at the Food and Hotel Asia. Among those who came and saw there, India liked ours and signed a contract to buy 100 tons. But they said that they would buy anymore if they liked." he said.

Although Myanmar avocados were exported to India through Tamu border trade in the past, they will be exported there through the maritime trade reportedly. 

Myanmar avocados at a fair
100 tons that would be bought by India were few by amount, but it was fruitful to the avocado growers, said Khun Arkar, chairman of Kyauk Talone Township Avocado Association in Southern Shan State, to CNI News.  

"Avocado is so plentiful that the people in local can't eat up them. So, only when they can be exported will be convenient" he said. 
Myanmar avocados are being exported to China, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, India, France and Netherland. But because Myanmar avocados are being exported to china and Thailand through illegal routes, they don't make much profit, said U Kyaw Thu to CNI News.


" If we can directly export our avocados to foreign countries such as India and Singapore, avocado market will be better and income earning from avocado will be much more. Moreover, we can sell avocados at higher price. When we export avocados to Thailand, because we haven't got legal trade permit, we sort of smuggle into there, so we can sell one kilo of avocado at 30 Bahts only. If we can officially trade, we can sell at 60 or 90 Bahts" he said.

Acres of Myanmar avocado cultivation have increased year after year and its yield also has increased yearly. Avocado is mainly grown in Shan State, and Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay Region. And it is also grown in Chin and Kayah States. But because there are no stability in Chin and Kayah States, it is not easy to pick avocado, said peasants.