CNI News

14 July 2023

As violence becomes involved in the armed conflicts taking place in Myanmar, the people in the political circle are reviewing and discussing in relation to how the violence should be stopped.

The current armed conflicts have been widely spreading through out the country, resulting in civilian deaths, house fire and more internally displaced persons.

Battles have been more severely taking place since 2021 and the people are facing with various difficulties. So, political elements and armed organizations should solve the problem, taking the people's difficulties into account, said U Tun Aung Kyaw, a Rakhine politician to CNI News.  

"In my opinion, when the two sides try to solve a problem between them, the ability to solve the problem mainly depends on how generous one can be to the other. Stakeholders have been trying to solve the problem, maintaining weapons since 1948 and these armed conflicts that arose with the independence have been over 70 years. The stakeholders understand that the problem can't be solved in this way, we believe.The public has been in great trouble already.The battles after 2021 have been very severe and the public is suffering the most intense and painful pain throughout history and they are experiencing damage and loss. So, responsible stakeholders, political elements and armed forces all urgently need to solve the problem in the best way, empathizing with the people" he said.

houses were being in flame

The UN Security Council's resolution on Myanmar on 21st December 2022 includes a fact that violence must be stopped.

During the past over two years since 1st February 2021, there were more than 8,600 civilian deaths due to armed conflicts, said ISP Myanmar.

There have been the laws relating to violence and if violence is handled with these laws, violence can be reduced, said U Thein Tun Oo, director of the Thayninga Institute for Strategic Studies.

"There have been the laws relating to violence and there also are methods relating to how to handle it. If violence is systematically handled in this way, violence can be reduced. For the time being, the SAC (State Administrative Council) is dealing with violence in a very soft manner. So, it can't go at a higher speed to eradicate the violence. We need to be able to cut everything that is encouraging and supporting violence. And those who are related to violence must be taken action against in accord with the law. If we can carry out main points, it will be easy to control violence" he said.

ruined Htantalan town

Over 740 civilians were killed during first five months of 2023 and these deaths are the most since 1st February, 2021, according to ISP Myanmar. NUG/PDF and EAOs
are fighting to topple down the Tatmadaw and the Tatmadaw is putting down the armed attacks, saying it is for the stability of the State.

During the armed conflicts, so many civilians were killed, arrested and bullied. Moreover, their houses were set fire as well reportedly.