CNI News

12 July 2023

There are reviews among the political and business circles relating to which border trade route is more stable between Myanmar-China border trade route and Myanmar-Thailand border trade route. 

There are armed conflicts in many parts of the country, which, sometimes, force to close the border trade routes. 
Because roads and bridges are often destroyed and explosions and battles take place on the Thailand-Myanmar border trade route, this trade route is forced to be closed often.

But China-Myanmar border trade route does not experience the situations of Thailand-Myanmar border trade route. 
There are China-owned interests along the border trade route and ethnic armed groups abstain from actions that can affect Chinese interest. Because Thailand has no influence on ethnic armed groups along its border, Thailand-Myanmar border trade route is not stable, said U Ye Tun, Myanmar political analyst to CNI News.

trucks that were set fire somewhere on the toad between Myawady and Kokkreik on 29th March, 2022 (CJ)

" But Thailand doesn't have so much influence on armed organizations along its border. NUG,PDF and KNU seem to want the trade with Thailand to be interrupted  because this trade can pay the tax a lot to the State Administration Council (SAC), so they fight against the SAC troops along the trade route..Thai government had arrested some people who fled to Thailand and handed over to the SAC not long ago. But Thailand doesn't have so much influence on armed groups from here" he said.  

Because China has influence on most of armed organizations along the Myanmar-China border trade route, armed organizations abstain from doing actions that can affect the Myanmar-China border trade, said political analysts.

However, Myanmar-china trade route was not very different from  Myanmar-Thailand trade route and battles took place, trucks were fired, drivers were killed and cars were set fire on the Myanmar-China trade route, said U Thant Zin Tun, a corn trader to CNI News.

TNLA organization seen on the China-Myanmar border trade route

"When I exported corn to China, cow trucks were very often fired at Nam Fekka between Kutkai and Thibaw and drivers were killed. Battles took place. Cars were set fire during battles..Express cars were set fire. China only said. Battles are taking place on the ground. Armed groups collect money on the way. Not very long ago, an armed group collected money.between Thibaw and Lashio. Armed organizations asked each other which group collected money.When there is a conflict between locals and militia at Jinshan Jiao, trade routes are often closed for about one week or ten days. It's not very different. We have to play by ear" he said.

More armed organizations build checkpoints and ask for money on the two border trade routes on which battles tend to take place since the political change took place two years ago, said traders and drivers.