CNI News

12 July 2023

Prohibited medicine and cosmetics in Myanmar cannot be controlled in the market because of corruption, said consumer rights and food experts to CNI News. 

Prohibited products have become more widespread in the market, so it was difficult to control them, said U Ba Oke Khaing, a consumer rights and food expert.

"In the past, there were food and drug administration (FDA) camps at the border gates. It's not easy to enable the FDA to go and check at the gates in a situation like this. Organizations such as FDA must inspect strictly at the border gates so that prohibited products can't enter. It's not easy to control prohibited products in the market for the time being because there are corruption everywhere.Some prohibited products are being smuggled into Myanmar and other prohibited products are being imported by paying bribes." he said.

 FDA officials were inspecting foodstuff

To educate the people about the use of prohibited products was needed and there are people using those products up to now because there was not adequate awareness , said Ko Than Htike Zaw, a health staff member from Insein Township in Yangon Region.

" First, we must let the people know. There will be sellers as long as there are many users. We must carry out till there are no more users. We want them to know widely why they shouldn't use it. We had read the FDA statements relating to prohibited products in newspapers in the past. And then we have found the statements relating to prohibited products on facebook and social media. But their awareness is still weak. Because there were no uploads on the pages of social media giants, many people don't know that prohibited products cannot be used or sold." he said to CNI News.

prohibited cosmetics

Some cosmetics imported from China and Thailand contain mercury that affects the kidney and steroids that affect skin. Moreover, hair dye and hair straighteners contain ammonia that can damage the nervous system. So, these products are prohibited. In the same way, some roll-ons contain substances that can clog pores and cause breast cancer.
And lipsticks contain lead toxins that can cause stomach cancer. So, prohibited products should not be used, said consumer rights and food experts.

To reduce affecting the public, relevant officials should inspect strictly and perform adequate awareness, said health analysts.