CNI News

8 July 2023

Among the Rakhine armed organizations acting on behalf of the Rakhine people, only armed organization supported by the people would survive in the end, said U Tin Htoo Aung from the Arakan National Network, to CNI News.

Armed organizations have to work for the sake of the public and only the armed organization that has been supported by the public has the upper hand, he said. 

" An armed organization needs to have the public support. Only the armed organization that works for the public will survive in the end. According to not only tradition and current events but also the situation that will happen in the future , I believe like that. The fact that who works for the public or who wins the public support more than others is the most important fact to decide who will survive. Not to change the conflicts between armed organizations into public conflicts is important." he said.


Daw Saw Mya Raza Lin and delegation from ALP in Maijayan, second headquarters of KIA in 2016

Rakhine armed organizations are Arakan Army (ULA/AA), Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) and Arakan National Council (ANC). ALP and ULA/AA are being active in Rakhine and helping  in the rehabilitation activities after cyclone Mocha.

ULA/AA and ALP are competing for more public support in the rehabilitation activities. Khaing Ni Raung, vice chairman of ALP, the commander of No. 101 battalion, a private were assassinated in Sittwe in the early July after which there were mutual-accusations between the AA and the ALP.

leaders from AA and ALP in Maijayan, second headquarters of KIA in 2016

"ULA/AA officials go and see in person to the people in trouble and support a lot. Public support on AA has increased.It's partly because of their capacity. We've heard that ALP helps the people in towns but not in rural areas. And more Rakhine public believe in AA." said a Rakhine local

Rakhine public wants a reliable armed force and at present more Rakhine people are supporting ULA/AA, he added. ALP has signed on the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement and ULA/AA and ANC/AA are Rakhine armed organizations fighting with the Tatmadaw.