CNI News

11 July 2023

May be the Tatmadaw attacked an area near to Laiza, the headquarters of Kachin Independent Army (KIA) because it wanted to put pressure on the KIA-PDF(People's Defense Force) collaboration, said U Ye Tun, Myanmar political analyst to CNI. 

KIA has penetrated the Sagaing Region after collaborating with PDF, so the Tatmadaw seemed to put pressure on KIA, he said.

"Now that C in C has taken'the head of State' position, the army won't dare to answer why it attacked that area. A sure thing is that the Tatmadaw wants to pressure KIA because KIA has penetrated upper country such as Sagaing Region and fighting against the Tatmadaw after collaborating with PDF. In relation to the matter about attack by PDF collaborating with TNLA and MNDAA in northeastern country, as the Tatmadaw requested China to ask TNLA and MNDAA to stop collaborating and fighting, they seemed to do as they were told.  We hardly heard that many battles are taking place there. But may be KIA is pressured by military means because it didn't do as it was told."he said.  

KIA was providing PDFs and LDF(Local Defense Force) inside Sagaing Region with military trainings and supporting weapons and ammunitions. Moreover, KIA is conducting joint operations with PDF and LDF and is selling weapons and ammunitions as well, said locals.

Maj-Gen Gun Maw, a leader of KIA

Battles between the Tatmadaw and KIA have been taking place in Nam San Yang since on the 1st of July, 2023 and it is reported that the two sides have been in military tension until now. Although CNI contaced Col. Naw Bu, information officer of KIA, it has not got any reply from him.

At present, the military situation between the two sides is calm. But the Tatmadaw had reinforced, locals were worried that fierce battles would take place, said a local in Kachin State to CNI News. 

Unless the Tatmadaw launched offensive attacks, KIA would remain calm. I wonder if the Tatmadaw might come massively after gathering the forces coming from Bamaw and Myitkyina. 

If they come, their war planes will come with them, I think. I heard that their plane came and dropped some bombs the other night. The Tatmadaw has deployed at Aoja, on the other side of Nant San creek and at Lwemauk village as well.

It is said that the Tatmadaw has launched offensive attacks against KIA to put pressure on the KIA-PDF collaboration

I heard that some landmines exploded at the top of the village the other day and all the villagers were called and gathered." he said.

The two sides should negotiate not to arise fierce battles and there are still IDPs who have not been able to return to their homes due to previous battles, he added.

Nam San Yang village where the fighting is currently taking place is located on the Myitkyina-Bamaw road and it is the nearest village to the KIA's headquarters. It is just 10 miles away from the headquarters reportedly.