CNI News

8 July 2023

There are arguments whether Myanmar is the same as Burma or totally different from each other while the stakeholders are striving to build Myanmar as a federal union.

At present, Myanmar is called Burma as well and Bamar race and Myanmar are used and called.

When the British ruled the country, Bamar or Burma became the name of the country, but later,the name had been changed and called, said Col. Khun Okka, a leader of an ethnic armed group to CNI News.

stakeholders having discussion about building a federal union

" In my opinion,when the British ruled th country, they called our country Burma. But on the Bagan stone inscriptions were written Myanmar, a little different from the currently-used spelling. So, Myanmar was the name of a race and Burma was a country under the rule of the British. But, later Myanmar has become the country and Bamar (Burma) is the name of a race. In any case, what we are currently using is Burmese language. I think we can call like that." he said.

The word 'Burma' represented all the races _ Shan, Kachin, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rakhine and so on all over the country. But since the time of General Ne Win, Bamar has become the name of a race and Myanmar, a country reportedly.

The matter whether Myanmar was the same as Bamar or not would be solved only when the revolution is finished, said a person close to revolution.

While seeing Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

"The reason was not strong. Burma represents Myanmar people and Myanmar applies to all the ethnic people. That's not right. According to literature ideology, you have to write Myanmar when you want to mean Bamar. But Myanmar is Bamar. It's not true that Myanmar applies to all the ethnic people" said Daw Aung San Suu Kyi when she met with Myanmar citizens in Japan.

" Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said in Japan that Myamar was equal with Bamar. Myanmar literature and Bamar literature are the same, which we have already known. But Myanmar is sweeter for ears" said U Pe Than, a Rakhine politician to CNI News.  

Dobama Asiayone which played an role in striving to gain independence arose in 1292 (Myanmar Era) and proclaimed "we, Burmans, are masters. Burma is our land.

Burmese language is our langusge. Burmese speech is our speech and so on"
At present there are arguments whether Burma and Myanmar are the same,Burmese language and Myanmar language are the same, and Burmese speech and Myanmar speech are the same, or not. Myanmar and Burma, which expression represents all the ethnic people all over the country has not been exactly described.