CNI News

8 July, 2023

New Mon State Party (NMSP) discussed with the State Administration Council (SAC) in Naypyidaw on 5th July, 2023 while facing with military and political crises.  

The discussion were attended by Naing Aung Min, vice chairman of NMSP, Naing Aung Mangay and Naing Banyar Lae, members of NMSP's Central Executive Committe, and delegates from SAC _ Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, chairman of the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC), Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun, member of SAC, Lt-Gen Win Bo Shein, secretary of NSPNC. 
The discussion was held from 6th to 7th July, 2023.

At present, NMSP is facing with political and military crises because KNU (Karen National Unin) and PDFs (People's Defense Forces) have increased their military activities in Mon, Kayin States and Tanintharyi Region  where it has been active.

 delegates of the New Mon State Party

Because KNU is making preparations to form Brigade (8) while new Mon armed organizations have arisen im Mon State, NMSP is worried that there will be.regional instability.

If all the ethnic armed organizations fought against the Tatmadaw at the same time, NMSP would also fight against the Tatmadaw, said Naing Han Thar, chairman of NMSP to Mon News Agency a few days ago.

NMSP is one of the ethnic armed organizations that have signed on the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and is carrying out carefully for the regional stability reportedly.