CNI News

7 July 2023

They were carrying out to hold all-inclusive discussions and provide humanitarian assistance which are included in the five ASEAN common aspirations, said U Than Swe, Foreign Minister of the State Administration Council (SAC).
He said as above while he met with international diplomats in Yangon on 6th July, 2023.

" We are carrying out to stop terrorism, to hold all-inclusive discussions and to provide humanitarian assisstance, the most important of the five ASEAN common aspirations" said U Than Swe.

5,938 innocent people ( 4,878 civilians and 1,060 government employees) were killed due to the attack of PDFs and PDFs were doing subversive activities and preventing  the process of bringing about democracy and the government was unavoidably taking action against PDFs to protect the people from their lawless actions, he said.

 international diplomats

Myanmar was facing with the challenges relating to geopolitical impacts and news media war, but striving to have rule of law and to implement the all-inclusive peace process, said U Than Swe.  

At present, the National Unity Government (NUG) formed the People's Defence Force and is fighting against the Tatmadaw and some ethnic armed organizations are also fighting against the Tatmadaw by providing civilians with military trainings and forming armed forces to topple down the Tatmadaw.

So,battles are taking place in Sagaing, Magway, Tanintharyi Regions, Chin, Mon and Kayah States. The Tatmadaw has annunced that NUG/PDF is a terrorist organization and did not invite to the peace talks. NUG/PDF has also announced that the Tatmadaw is a terrorist organization and has proclaimed there is no reason to discuss about blood debt.

So, it's very difficult to arise an all-inclusive discussion, said local political parties and politicians.