CNI News

7 July 2023

The Indian government is trying to destroy the National Socialist Council of Nagaland Khaplang Yung Aung (NSCN-K-YA) by using the faction led by General Ang Mai who was expelled from the parent organization, said U Yung Aung, chairman of NSCN-K/YA in his statement issued on 4th July, 2023.

 U Ang Mai who was expelled and U Lan Nyei led and formed a new Naga armed organization on 2nd July 2023, which was strongly condemned by NSCN/GPRN ( NAtional Socialist Council of Nagaland/the Government of the People's Republic of Nagaland), said in the statement.

the letter dismissing Gen.Ang Mai and Maj-Gen Lan Nyei

" If we look at this event, The Indian government's intelligence unit is obviously using these persons with the intention of crushing NSCN/GPRN. This event is clearly opposed to regional stability and peace that Naga people want and bluntly threatening our national intention, which we, NSCN/GPRN, regard like that." said U Yung Aung.

U Ang Mai, a general, took responsibility as a personal officer of U Khaplan (deceased) when he led NSCN-K and as the minister for home affairs After that, General Ang Mai and Maj-Gen Lan Nyei separated from NSCN-K/YA and formed a new organization called NSCN-K/YA on 2nd July 2023.  

They (NSCN-K/YA) have to give up their selfish actions and stop their deceiving the public or they must be accountable to the Naga people for the possible consequences in the future, said U Yung Aung.

Gen. Ang Mai and his organization that separated from NSCN-K/YA

U Lan Nyei has repeatedly said that he was folloeing the policy of U Khaplan, his father, but in practice it's nothing more than just deceiving the people, said the statement. So, they stop their actions and surrender before the people is the best way for them, according to U Yung Aung.  

Myanmar-based NSCN-K is an aremed organization that is fighting against the Indian government for the liberation of the Naga people and establishment of the Naga State .

Although NSCN-K was led by U Khaplan, After his death on 9th June, 2017, U Kham Ngor, vice chairman, was appointed as chairman of NSCN-K. But a meeting was held from 15th to 17th August, 2018 and U Kham Ngor was overthrown.

After that, U Yung Aung, a nephew of U Khaplan, who graduated from Manipur University was appointed as the chairman of NSCN-K on 18th August, 2018. 
When U Yung Aung has taken responsibility as the chairman, Lt-Gen Nikisumi, deputy chief of staff, had a disagreement with U Yung Aung, and separated from NCSN-K and built an organization called NSCN-K/NK. 
The organization ceased fire with the Indian government for peace on 8th September, 2021.

In the same way, General Ang Mai, minister for home affairs, and Maj-Gen Lan Nyei separated and formed an organization called NSCN-K/AM on 2nd July, 2023.