CNI News

7 July 2023

That Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) was formed as Border Guard Force (BGF) was not right, said ALP's Maj. Khaing Thurein to CNI News. They did not have discussions about forming ALP as BGF and some news agencies'reports were not correct, he said.

"Who told you that ALP was formed as BGF? You must ask him. we did not discuss, we did not negotiate that we would form BGF. We have to ask the person who told or report the news for the first time. How reliable source did he get it from?" said Maj. Khaing Thurein, secretary member of ALP.

Armed conflicts have been spreading in Myanmar since the Tatmadaw took power on 1st February 2021. Sr-Gen Min aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council.

seven NCA signatories including ALP were discussing with National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) of the State Administration Council

offered the ethnic armed organizations to hold peace talks in April 2022 and ALP often took part in the peace talks held in Naypyidaw.

Khaing Ni Raung,vice chairperson of ALP, Khaing Kyaw Min, commander of No. 101 Battalion and private Kyaw Kyaw Naing were assassinated on 1st July.

Daw Saw Mya Raza Lin

When these events took place, a few days ago, an Arakan news agency reported that ALP would be formed as BGF. 
" I don't want to comment on that.It's just their decision. It depends on their independent decision." said U Ye Tun, a Myanmar political analyst.  
ALP was formed on 9th April, 1967 and had been active in the Thai-Myanmar border and India-Myanmar border. At present, it's active in Rakhine State as well.

ALP is one of the ethnic armed organizations that have signed on the Natonwaide Ceasefire Agreement and also a member of the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST).