CNI News

6 July 2023

There are good opportunities that they will be able to create their own destiny and self-determinism at present although there are big challenges, said Pado Saw Kwe Htoo Win, chairman of Karen National Union (KNU). 

He said as above in the letter sent to the 74th anniversary of Karen National Liberation (Kawthoolei) Army.  

Current political and military situations are totally different from the situations that took place throughout their country's history, he said.

"So, KNU and Kawthoolei Army need to carry out more effective defenses not only for the Karen people's lives and properties but also for the entire people. MOreover, taking advantage of opportunities given by the current situatuin, we need to build own security system and orocedures, including public service and administration. At present although there are big challenges, there are also good opportunities that we are able to create self-determination and our destiny" he said.

 KNU force (KNU-fb)

Although KNU signed on the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement, it has been carrying out to topple down the Tatmadaw by providing the People's Defense Forces with military trainings and arming due to political landscape that changed after 1st February 2021.

Besides, armed conflicts are taking place in Kayin, Mon States, Tanintharyi and Bago Regions where KNU is active. The Kawthoolei Government was formed on 14th June 1949 and all Karen national revolunary groups were gathered as the Kawthoolei Army, said Pado Saw Kwe Htoo Win in his message.  

The military plans of Kawthoolei Army were confirmed by the representative leaders at the All Karen National Congress held in Sawhti Township on 26th June, 1956 and they modified structure and composition on 5th July and that day was confirmed as the day of Kawthoolei Army.

The 5th of July is still celebrated as Kawthoolei Army Day to date.