CNI News

6 July 2023

New visa application system is being implemented by Malaysia, but it doesn't apply to Myanmar workers who will come to Malaysia, said those who are helping Myanmar citizens in Malaysia to CNI News.

The new system intends for foreign skillful workers working in financial, energy and other companies which was reported in Nikkei Asia News. In the past, applying for a visa took about three months because it needed necessary documents and agencies' recommendation, but the new system will take only five days at most reportedly.  

"That it will take five days is very possible because there are many skillful workers here in Malaysia. They have reduced a lot of time. May be they carry out through online To the best of my knowledge, Myanmar skillful workers come with his contacts. Largely, they come by calling, but not so many.Myanmar citizens are not called in a large scale." said U Barbu Gyi helping Myanmar citizens in Malaysia.

 a factory in Malaysia

Malaysia calls skillful workers only from other countries and not from Myanmar. Myanmar citizens are generally called as general workers. But  the new system may apply to some Myanmar skillful workers who will come with their contacts reportedly. At present, Myanmar citizens are not officially and some factories have stopped employing Myanmar citizens, said the people helping Myanmar citizens in Malaysia.

But Myanmar citizens who have been working in Malaysia for years are designated as skillful workers.

" In Malaysia, there are so many Myanmar old hands-real masters in the factories, construction sites and restaurants as engineers, mechnics and chefs" they said.

Malaysia is implementing a new visa application system which connects data with Xpats Gateway system, an advanced technology that makes applying for visa easy, reported in Nikkei Asia.