CNI News

6 July 2023

The Panglong Agreement must be implemented so that political problems taking place in Myanmar can be solved, said U Kun Gong Aung Kham to CNI News.

Myanmar gained her independence not because the 30 Comrades fought against the British and Japan but because mountainous regions and mainland agreed to take independence together, he said.

"Bamar army always solve with weapon. Political problem must be solved by political method rather than by arms. Panglong Agreement is political. I have said about it since before. Independence was not gained because battles were just waged. That we got independence was not because of battles led by Bogyoke Aung San. You know that or read the books. According to Panglong Agreement, mainland and mountainous region signed the contract that they would take independence together and went to Rritain.  That we got independence was not because the 30 comrades waged battles." he said.

In the Panglong Agreement, at that time, the leaders of the mountainous regions and the mainland agreed in principle that their territories must have full self-determination in the newly formed union. And ethnic people of the mountainous regions must democratically enjoy equal level, equal opporyunity and equal rights with Bamr people of the mainland in the agreement.

 leaders who signed on the Panglong Agreement

The political landscape at the time when the Panglong Agreement was signed is not equal with the current political landscape anymore for which a lot of time would be taken, said Col. Saw Kyaw Nyunt, spokesperson of the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) to CNI News.

" It's been a long time since the Panglong Agreement was signed. Due to the consequences of our independence gained from the Panglong Agreement that was not implemented, arms conflicts or civil war have been taking place for over 70 years. The political landscape at the time when the Panglong Agreement was signed is different from the current political landscape that has arisen from the struggles of our ethnic people. In my opinion, we'll take a lot of time to negotiate and have to talk a lot as well." said Col. Saw Kyaw Nyunt.  

21st Panglong Conference was being held

If the Panglong Agreement was implemented, the country would be peaceful, said Dr. Aung Myo, a Myanmar political analyst to CNI News. 

"In fact, the Panglong Agreement must be implemented. Talking of implementation, I've always said we broke the Panglong Agreement. To tell you the truth, U Ne Win started breaking the agreement. He asked Sawbwars (Shan ethnic leaders), Duas (Kachin ethnic leaders) and Kayah's Sawkaras to give up their powers. If the Panglong Agreement is implemented, the country will be peaceful. But there will remain a problem relating to how the power will be shared in their states." he said.  

Although it has been 76 years since a union was established under the Panglong Agreement, armed conflicts have not yet ended.