CNI News
25 June 2023

U Win Myint Aung who was kicked out of the party by Central Working Committee of NLD, saying he was being used by SAC was arrested by some PDFs, according to some people
close to him.

U Win Myint Aung was arrested about two weeks ago by some PDFs at Mucambak in Dabayin Township while he was going with his brother-in-law to meet his younger brother who was in prison in Monywa.

U Win Myint Aung's brother-in-law was released about one week after being arrested and, but U win Myint Aung is still being detained.

In relation to U Win Myint Aung who has been detained, people close to him went and told international embassies and asked them for help U Win Myint Aung,former representative of the Pyithu Hluttaw, Dabayin Township, was former member of NLD's central committee as well.

However, the Central Working Committee which consists of exile NLD members and is collaborating with revolutionary forces has released a statement saying U Win Myint Aung(member of central committee), U Phyo Min Thein (member of central executive committee), U Kyi Toe (member of central committee) and Dqw Sandar Min (member of central committee) who were being used by SAC were seeking self-interest and  they were all kicked out of the party on March 3rd 2023.