23 June 2023

Myanmar and Thailand discussed to cut 1,500 Baht from current visa fee 2,000 Baht for Myanmar MoU workers and to re-enter Thailand early when they go back to their country to renew the contract, said in Thai reports. 
Officials from the two countries had discussions about cutting 1,500 Baht from current visa fee 2,000 Baht and to let MoU workers to re-entert Thailand early without having to stay for 30 days in their country when workers with four years of MoU return to their country to renew the contract.

 Although the visa fee is lower for workers, other costs haven't not been lower, said U Min Oo, incharge of labor affairs from FED, to CNI.
There are 1.9 million legal Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand.

" In fact, that 30 days were designated was due to Covid-19. MoU workers who arrived at Thailand were camped and examined their health. It took them much time for quarantine period. It is impossible to finish within one month. Within 15 days after reaching the factory, they had to do things relating to work permit. And they had to learn things relating to jobs. Now that these sectors have been compressed as much as possible, it's back to normal like it was before the Covid era."

Myanmar migrant workers

To take action against the employers who have not been able to send employees to the workplace although emloyer and employee have signed the contract, to renew employment contracts and to carry out in the workplace in accord with MoU system were discussed. But things what were discussed have not been officially issued.

Although Thai authorities have permitted workers with MoU expired to stay till the end of July so that they can go home to renew the contract, Most of MoU workers find it difficult to go home to renew the contract because of some procedures.

 Myanmar migrant workers

"We accept cutting visa fee. But some procedures are questionable. Because they have no evidence, how will they go to the border? When they go to the border, will their agency come and see them? Will they have to go by themselves? When, their evidence disactivate, will workers or their agencies go and take the embassy's recommendation? When we look at things individually, everything is leading to brokers. Myanmar embassy should carry out for the workers as able as it can without sending workers back to their country. Some workers, in my opinion, 50 percent of them won't go home because of financial difficulties" said Ko Naing Naing Aung, director of Arakan Workers Organization.

In stead of sending workers back to renew, renewal should be performed just in Thailand, said the organizations helping migrant workers.

Because there is a labour demand in Thailand, statements are being released and discussions are underway relating to labour affairs So, something relating to workers without evidence may be released.