CNI News

26 June  2023

The entry and exit routes of Moreh Town in India have been closed since early May due to the ongoing communal riots in Moreh, India. So, traders from Tamu Town are trading by using other routes, said the traders.

The traders from Tamu went to Moreh from Nan Phar Lone Market in trading with India in the past. But at present, traders have to go to Nagaland that is far from Tamu. The tax is paid on Myanmar side to officially use that route and, but not officially on India side, said U Khin Maung Win, a trader from Tamu, to CNI.

" If a trader go into Nagaland, he must his contacts there. Not everybody can go there. And there is an excusive carry for that route in India. Even Indian traders don't dare to carry their goods themself. it's just blackmarket on the India side. But it's not very difficult. The road is a little rough. and it's costly to use the route." he said.

Nan Phar Lone Market

In trading with India, trade was conducted through Moreh-Tamu-Nan Pharlone Market in the past, which didn't cost traders. But as some goods that must be exported are being traded through other routes, expenditures have increased, said traders.

Because some traders trade inly on the Tamu-Moreh route, they have stopped trading, said U Hla Maung, chairman of the Border Traders Association (Kalay-Tamu-Kalaywa}.

The Indian side has closed the trade terminal since March 2020 for the reason that they would be able to control and prevent the Covid-19. Although Myanmar traders pay the tax and export goods, it sort of is illegal on the India side reportedly.

Due to the ongoing communal riots in the state of Manipur There is still no stability in the area.In 2019-2020 fiscal year, Myanmar side exported goods to India side for USD 40.731 million and the value of imports from India was USD 1.443 million through Tamu border before the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the ministry of Commerce, Myanmar.