CNI News
11 June 2023

60,000 tons of corn seeds produced in Ayarwady Region are being exported to Thailand by ship, said Myanmar Corn Industry Association.

By exporting by ship like that, difficulty renting large trucks could be come over and time and cost of delivery could be saved, said U Thant Zin, vice chairman of Myanmar Corn Industry Association, to CNI.

"For the time being, we are expoerting 60,000 tons of corn seeds from Pathein Port to Thailand and a Thai company receives from a port near Kantang in Thailand.

When we export products of Ayeyarwady Region to abroad directly, we can avoid crowded ships at Yangon Port and overcome the difficulty renting large trucks and cost of delivery decreases" he said.

 corn seeds are being dried in the sun

Corn seeds produced in Ayeyarwady Region are being delivered to foreign countries by road and by water and this is the first time of exporting the corn seeds to foreign countries by sea from Pathein Industrial Project Port. If the profits gained from exporting by sea are equal to those gained from exporting through borders, corn peasants will export from Pathein Port in the long run, said Myanmar Corn Industry Association.

Because Ayeyarwady corn seeds are exported, cost of delivery to Yangon is saved.So, if exporting from Pathein Port like that can be conducted for long, corn peasants in Ayeyarwady will make more money, said Ko Min Khaing, a corn peasant, CNI.

2,000-ton ships and 3,000-ton ships only can dock at Pathein Industrial Project Port and 60,000 tons of corn seeds must be delivered about 20 times.But the journey is not very distant.So the work will be finished in several days, according to corn seed traders.

Thai traders and Myanmar traders are discussing in order to go on exporting Ayeyarwady corn seeds from Pathein Industrial Project to Thailand.

As corn season will come to an end before long, corn traders are trying to export corn seeds from Pathein Port in 2023-2024 corn season.