CNI News

13 June 2023

Kareni government has been formed by Kareni revolutionary elements collectively to be included as a state in the federal union ensuring national equality and the right to self-determination, said those elements.

After Kareni interim administrative council was formed, its administration has been started, the council issued on 12th.

Kareni administration will be implemented in accord with the interim plan. And plans relating to rule of law and transition will be systematically laid down in accord with the state consultant council. And it will be included as a state in the federal union ensuring human rights, democracy, national equality and right to self-determination, which have been described in its press release.

Revolutionary elements in Kareni State were able to create a situation that can implement administration, judiciary and legislation, covering the whole Kareni region, said U Than Soe Naing, Myanma politics analyst,to CNI.

leaders of CRPH and NUG

"Of states and regions, Kareni state has been able to implement administration, judiciary and legislation, I assume. So they planned to form a government. It is also a matching situation with Federal Democratic Charter that NUG has laid down.We must hail it as a breakthrough" he said.

Khu Oo Reh from KNPP takes responsibility as the chairman of current government and Khun Bee Htoo from KNDF as vice chairman and Khu Plu Reh as general secretary and Zu Padonmar as secretary=1 and Banyar KhunAung as secretary-2 and Maw Pho Myar as Chief Financial Officer starting from 6th June, 2023.

entrance of Kayah State

The objectives of Kareni interim administration council are to carry out the administration of interim state government by collective leadership and to perform the state's stability and peace, and to practically collaborate with various elements in the state.

Kareni interim administrative council has said that it will collaborate with all the elements in the country during the transitional period to federal democratic system
Due to the political landscaping that changed on 1st February 2023, battles have been taken place between Tatmadaw and KNPP/KNDF allied forces.