CNI News
11 June 2023

If you consider to solve currently existed political problems in Myanmar, you cannot exclude Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, said U Mya Aye, an 88 student leader on his facebook page on the 10th of June, 2023.

"Whether a politician goes on existing or not depends on his or her decision and desire of the people who support him or her. If his or her action is right, he or she will rise and if not right, he or she will fall. You can critisize a politician. But criiticizing in a vulgar way is ethically indecent. Although you pull a politician down in various ways, he or she will not fall as long as the people support him or her." he said.

"You have the right to politically point out the points of disagreement and have the right to deny or reject. May be there are lots of disagreement with DASSK. It's no   problem. But DASSK has received the support of the majority of Myanmar people. You can't pretend not to know it.

You must pay respect to the people's desire. It's a matter of liking and dislikng or agreement and disgreement. But if you will consider to solve Myanmar political problems, you can't exclude DASSK from taking into account"

U Tin Oo and Thabarwa Tayar Yeikthar Sayadaw U Ottamasara seen on 8 June 2023.

Then he prayed for the speedy release of DASSK and political prisoners. DASSK has been detained at present.

DASSK should make peace only without taking part in political affairs, U Ottamasa, Thabarwa Tayar Yeik Thar Sayadaw, explained to U Tin Oo, patron of NLD, on the eightth of June, 2023.

" She (DASSK)is nationally and globally well-known and an influential person. If she makes peace only like Mahatma Gandhi, most of the people will follow her. She has a lot of good talents. A well-known and moral person like her will be able to carry out for the sake of the country and the world without having to run the election or taking office, I believe.Only if she makes peace, Tatmadaw may change its attitude. If she gives up politics and make peace only, the country may change. When she gives up politics, tatmadaw's attitude is a little tense" he said.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

having said that NLD government led by DASSK tried to organize a government without solving the vote list dispute in 2020 general election, Tatmadaw topled down the government and arrested DASSK.

After that, objections and protests against Tatmadaw arose and armed revolutions against Tatmadaw have been taking place in Sagaing, Magway, Tanintharyi regions, Chin, Kayin and Kayah States.

Due to armed conflicts,political, economic,social, educational and health sectors are deteriorating and many people are facing mental and physical insecurities.