CNI News
11 June 2023

Due to travel restrictions in Rakhine State, the people are having difficulties, said locals. SAC's ministry of security and border affairs directed the office of Rakhine State government to ban travel in Rakhine State from June 7.

Donors don't come to the pl.aces where IDPs are staying anymore because the roads and streets, said U Nyi Pu, incharge of Sinbaw Gaing IDP Camp, Mrauk U township, to CNI.  "

Donors hardly come here because streets and roads have been closed. There are the people who will come here and donate necessary materials. They says they don't come here because they don't get permission. We want the government to re-open roads and streets because when donors don't come, IDPs get into trouble." he said.

Although CNI phoned Col. Kyaw Thura, minister of border affairs, Rakhine State Admonistration Council to know more about the travel restrictions, he said he had not been able to answer because he was in the meeting room.

"Travel cannot be banned for long, which they (SAC) know. It may be related to military. It won't be long" said Dr. Aung Myo, Myanma Polotics analyst, to CNI.

In relation to travel restrictions, negotiations would be conducted after studying the reason why, Dqw Saw Mya Yarzar Lin, chairperson of Arakan Liberation Party, to CNI. She would have to take a little time to study the reason why SAC had restricted travel.  

Because Cyclone Mocha entered Rakhine State on 14th May, houses and streets were damaged and several people were killed. Reconstructional tasks have been needed up to now.

SAC has supported 70,000 lakh Kyats to carry out reconstructional tasks and rescue operations in Rakhine and food and construction materials are being delivered to Rakhine State every day.