CNI News

10 June 2023

Migrate workers with MoU expired in Thailand were renewd till 31st July, but according to MoU law, they must go back to their country and sign a new contract before the deadline, said U Aung Kyaw,advisor of MWRN, to CNI.

Employers in Thailand must send their employees back to sign a new contract and during that period, they send demand letters to Thai ministry of labour and can recall their employees,he said.

migrate Myanmar citizens seen before getting to Thailand

"It is worrisome is that workers with MoU expired may be arrested or taken action against according to Thai law. But Thai government provissionally extended MoU to 31st July and allow workers with MoU expired to stay and work.But migrate workers staying in Thailand by the millions really want that they don't have to go back to their country. So they demand relevant Thai officials to arrange in order that they can go on staying and working in Thailand. Thai government just allow the workers to stay for two months. In two months, go home. And sing a new contract and come back, said Thai government. That's it. The law hasn't been changed." he sid.

After 31st July, workers with MoU expired may be arrested, said those who are helping with affairs of Myanmar migrate workers, to CNI. Employers tend to sign new contracts with their former workers who are skilful in work rather than hiring new workers.

So, Myanmar migrate workers with MoU expired don't have to worry about their jobs although they have to go back home, they added.

migrate Myanmar citizens

Thai government tend to release particulars relating to migrate workers only when the deadline is drawing very near. So after July, an announcement mght be released, they said.

" The policy relating to migrate workers is always changing. If the cabinet issued a new regulation, it may be new labour registration Not only new labours but also former labours can register. I've heard about it for long. it is a real possibility.

If the regulation was issued, most of the migrate workers would go to register because if they had to go back, they could lose time and money. And when they go back to renew, if they take too long, their employers won't be able to wait for long. New workers can be hired.So, the number of those who wil go back for MoU will decrease" said U Min Oo, in charge of FED.

Myanmar migrate workers with MoU expired in Thailand cannot make out what will happen after July.So Thai authorities should make a press release on labour affairs early so that workers can make preparations, said those who are helping with labour affairs.