CNI News

10 June 2023

Some people say that if a general election could be held, arms conflicts would decrease and the country would be stable. On the other hand, if the election could be held, the country certainly might not win stability and peace, others said.  

Although the State Administration Council is making preparations to hold a a general election, peace and stability are depending on whether armed organizations accept a new government that will take office through the election or not, said U Thein Tun Oo, director of Grand Strategy Studies, to CNI.

a person casting ballots and another person holding weapons

" It's hard to say because SAC will hold a general election as it has announced, but what is the attitude of armed groups? Will they accept the new government that will take office through the election? To the best of my knowledge, quite a few groups change tend to change their attitudes a bit.

But many people are speaking out loud that a government is legitimate only if it comes through an election. But will current arms groups accept a new. elected government? Only if they accept, we will win the peace, we comment like this."  

arms conflicts have been taking place all over the country since February, 2021 and the country' politics, peace, economy, health, education and so on. are deteriorating.
The election that SAC will sponsor will not be free and fair, U Pe That, an arakan politian, to CNI.

a kayan ethnic girl seen after casting vote

" When an election is held, it needs to be free and fair. Their election commission has constricted opposition elements. NLD, main opposition party, has been cancelled and its members were arresetd or taken actions against and killed. Their election is not accepted by international community. There is not a real possibility to hold the election successfully. Taken up as a whole, the election will not be free and fair. The people are not interested in this election at all will not recognize it." he said.

"If a Hluttaw emerged after an election was held, because there would be representatives who would speak for the people, conflicts would decrease" U Li Paw Ye, chairman of Lisu Nationals Development Party, to CNI. However, he added he was not sure whether holding elections would get on well with arms groups and although two elected governments ruled the country, they did not fully get on well with arms groups.  

SAC released the new law relating to re-registration of political parties on 31 January 2023 and it has imposed that political parties must register or re-register within 60 days.

40 political parties including NLD and SNLD which did not register within designated period had been abolished, which the Union Election Commission released in March.