CNI News

2 March 2023

As the Myanmar embassy in Thailand has raised fees for new passports to Baht 1,250, agent commissions for Myanmar workers are likely to rise, labour activists in Thailand told the CNI.

The embassy raised the fee for new passports from Baht 800 to Baht 1,250 as of 1st March. Myanmar workers who apply for new passports are required to pay Baht 1,500 including Baht 250 for OWIC cards to relevant bank accounts, according to a release of the embassy.

Although the embassy raised the fee by more than Baht 400, agent commissions are likely to increase disproportionately, Labour Activist U Min Oo of the Foundation for Education and Development told the CNI.

He said, "Raising the fee by more than Baht 400 is too much. However, workers will have to pay the fee in the same way as they pay exorbitant commissions to agents. As the embassy raised the fee, commissions will increase similarly. Agents will ask for more than Baht 400 and the fees will place burdens on workers. They will have to pay the fees even if they cannot afford them by borrowing money from others. They are being forced to pay exorbitant fees. Workers who apply for passports from the border cannot go to the embassy and if their employers do not help them apply for passports, they will have to hire agents. Different agents will ask for different fees. It costs them from Baht 8,000 to Baht 9,000 to apply for a passport. Workers from remote areas will have to pay more than tens of thousands of Baht just to get the passport."

People waiting to get passports in front of the Myanmar embassy in Thailand.

At the same time as the embassy raised fees, it should also increase the number of passports it issues each day as the move would be more beneficial for workers, labour activists said.

Although workers have to pay fees for OWIC cards when they apply for passports, the cards and passports are not issued together. It is difficult for workers to go and fetch the cards again at another place, Labour Activist Ko Thar Gyi told the CNI.

He said, "Fees have to be paid at one place and cards have to be claimed at another place on the appointed date. It can be said that authorities are dishonest because OWIC smart cards can be issued at the same time and place as they use machines. It would be convenient for workers if authorities issue the cards and passports at the same time. Moreover, workers are forced to go to Maha Chai to get the cards. It costs them more money even if their employers allow them to be absent from work. Otherwise, their wages will be cut by their employers. The process causes unnecessary troubles for workers and is chaotic."

People waiting to get passports in front of the Myanmar embassy in Thailand.

Workers who apply for passports from mobile teams which go to factories and construction sites with large numbers of Myanmar workers are required to pay Baht 1,500 and their passports will be issued in the second week of March, according to the release of the embassy.

Workers whose passports will expire before 31st August, 2023 can make appointments at the embassy every Saturday, according to the embassy.