CNI News

2 March 2023

The one-sided accusations of the United Arakan Party/ Arakan Army do not contribute to the peace process, said Leader Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun of the Information Team of the SAC.

Although the ULA/AA has accused the Tatmadaw of detaining their members, the SAC had already released them, he said.

Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun said, " The ULA/AA has been unilaterally accusing us of not releasing their members. However, we released 61 members on the sixth anniversary of the NCA. We again released 46 of them on the Diamond Jubilee of Union Day. In addition, we released 17 of them and 125 members of them on National Day. We have released not only them but also members of the KIA, the KN, the MNDAA, the RCSS, the SSPP and the TNLA. We have released 205 detainees for the peace process. Unilateral accusations like that will not contribute to peace."

The issue must be resolved through the negotiations between the ULA/AA, Arakan Politician U Pe Than told the CNI.

Leaders of the AA.

He said," They agreed to release all prisoners within two months, according to the press conference of Khaing Thukha. It is necessary to release prisoners from both sides. They know who they are referring to. U Khaing Thuka is referring to  people who are charged under the illegal organization act of  17 (1) and (2). The AA thinks that those who are charged under the section 17 (1) and (2) of the law for contacting the AA must be released and the SAC is too slow to implement their promise. They should check whether they have detained such people and must release them. This cannot be covered up. If Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun denies that they have detained such people, they should hold negotiations."

ULA/AA spokesperson Khaing Thukha said that pressuring local residents in some townships in Rakhine State not to contact and support the AA will lead to armed conflicts.

Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun said that Myanmar troops in Rakhine State are security forces which have been deployed before the ceasefire.

A road junction in Rakhine State.

He said, "The accusations that the military has been deploying more troops in Rakhine State cause doubts among local residents. Troops in Rakhine State are those who have been deployed before the ceasefire deal. We deploy the troops for the stability of the community and security control."

Fighting resumed between the AA and the Tatmadaw in August, 2022 after two years of ceasefire.

Then, both sides reached a ceasefire deal on 26 November, 2022 in consideration of the losses suffered by local residents.