CNI News

8 Feb 2023

The general crisis can be resolved when the Panglong Agreement can be implemented, the Shan State Restoration Council/Shan State Army issued a statement.

The statement was issued on the 76th Anniversary of the Shan National Day.

The RCSS said, "The current political crisis can be overcome by collectively implementing the essence of the Panglong Agreement, the Panglong Spirit and its provisions."

The celebration of the Shan National Day at the RCSS headquarters

The Panglong Agreement stipulates the building of the federal union by peaceful coexistence of all national races, according to the statement.

The people of the Shan State contributed to establishing the union due to the agreement, which must be borne in the mind of the national races, the statement said.

The RCSS/SSA is a signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement.