CNI News

9 Feb 2023

As martial law has been imposed in Kawkareik in Kayin State, security of workers who are going to work in Thailand under the MOU between the two countries, Thailand-based labour activists told the CNI.

Most MOU workers are sent to Thailand via Myawady-Mae Sot Bridge (2) on Myawady-Kawkareik Asian Highway.

As a result, security of workers is worrisome, Labour activist Ko Thar Gyi told the CNI.

He said,"Imposing martial law along the route to send migrant workers to Thailand poses risks on innocent migrant workers and local residents. It amounts to creating fear among local residents. It places burden to agencies. Frankly speaking, there is no rule of law in the country. Individual workers should take care of their security and agencies that send worker are responsible. Hundreds of thousands of worker are being sent to Thailand by express bus. It is very dangerous for them."

An archway to Kawkareik.

Although it is convenient for local residents and workers to travel when there is no fighting, they are forced to take care of themselves when armed conflicts erupt, labour activist added.

Lack of job opportunities at home, low wages and high commodity prices have forced Myanmar nationals to work in neighbouring countries legally or illegally.

It is necessary for MOU workers as well as illegal migrants to be more cautious to go to Thailand during the martial law, labour activists warned.

Labour Activist U Ba Yi from the Migrant Workers Rights Network said, "They are worried as martial law has been imposed. They are worried about travelling. If fighting erupts, it is very dangerous for them. Sending MOU workers to Thailand is likely to be suspended or it is difficult for then to go to Thailand legally or illegally. There is no special arrangement for travelers or MOU workers to go to Thailand. It is important for the to take care of themselves."

Workers sent to Thailand under the MOU between the two countries.

As martial law has been imposed in Kawkareik. the Ministry of Labour is responsible for the safety of MOU workers, Labour Activist Ko Thar Gyi told the CNI.

He said, "It is the responsibility of the labour ministry. They should make arrangements to send workers. As the route has been declared as war zone, everyone can be shot to death. As a labour organization, we are worried about workers. No one will know who kill them."

Currently, martial law has been imposed in 37 townships in eight states and regions by the SAC including 11 townships in Sagaing Region, seven townships in Chin State, five township each in Magway and Bago regions, four townships in Kayah State, two townships each in Kayin State and Tanintharyi Region and one township in Mon State.