CNI News

8 Feb 2023

People of Myanmar will have to find their own exit from the current crisis, Chairman Dr Aye Maung of the Arakan Front Army told the CNI.

Some political observers said that the general election scheduled in 2023 might serve as an exit from the crisis while others said the general election would do nothing to resolve the crisis.

The ASEAN has recently failed to engage with the SAC, which will hold the general election, and the ASEAN is trying to resolve the Myanmar crisis, Dr Aye Maung added.

An empty chair for the Myanmar representative at an ASEAN summit.

He said, "It is just an opinion of ASEAN whether it accepts the general election or not. However, the regional body has not had engagement with the junta, which will hold the general election, recently. ASEAN approved the five-point consensus. How it will approach the issue depends on its stand and situation. As far as I understand, ASEAN has adopted a principle of non-interference. Whether it will abide by the principle depends on its stand. ASEAN will have to decide how to address the issue. Myanmar people will have to find their own exit from the crisis."

Currently, ASEAN has been divided into two camps, one sympathizing China and the other supporting the West, Political Observer U Than Soe Naing told the CNI.

A demonstration calling for democracy in Myanmar.

He said, "Some members support the general election while others do not. ASEAN is divided into two factions of pro-China and pro-West. The pro-West group does not support the general election. The pro-China camp is likely to support the general election. So, they are divided."

The junta is compiling voters' lists and enacted the political parties registration law and its rules.

The SAC chairman has promised to hold a general election in 2023 and transfer power to the winning party.