CNI News

8 Feb 2023

Cooperation of Investors and technologies are essential for the development of rice cultivation, agricultural and economic experts told the CNI.

Although investors are essential, they are required to take mutual interests, Chairman U Thein Aung of the Farmers' Development Association told the CNI.

He said, "No businessman has supported agriculture in the successive eras. They just trade and store crops for their own profits. So, it is difficult to achieve agricultural development. So, we need technicians who understand the situation on the ground. We have had agricultural technicians but they do not understand the situation on the ground. If they cooperate with farmers depending on their abilities to invest, it will be beneficial for all.


Investors are required to take not only their profits but also development of the agriculture sector, agriculture and economic observers told the CNI.

Farmers are suffering losses from high input prices caused by political and exchange rate instability and profiteering of businessmen, they added.

It will take time to achieve development of the agriculture sector even if businessmen and technicians cooperate with farmers, agriculture and economic consultant Ko Zaw Min Naing told the CNI.

He said, "When a business is started, it is difficult to expect profits during the first five years and it has to try to reduce losses. Then, it tries to gain profits gradually. In the same way, farmers and businessmen must take their own shares of work. The source of credit and support must be provided by the government and the government must change necessary policies. The trilateral cooperation can turn Myanmar into a rice bowl of the world."

Farmers working in a paddy field.

As farmers lack agricultural knowledge, they rely mainly on fertilizers to boost yields.

Government agencies can launch awareness-campaigns to expand the agricultural knowledge of farmers, Agricultural and Economic Observer Ko Zaw Min Naing told the CNI.

He said, "Farmers has a concept that using fertilizers can boost crop yields. However, the practice can damage the soil and the environment in the long term. This is because awareness-raising campaigns are weak. As inputs are expensive after the pandemic and the coup, farmers are not able to spend as much as before. If they could use two bags of fertilizers per acre they can use only one bag per acre at present. Crop yields will drop significantly."

As farmers faced high prices of inputs and fuel oil during the last cultivation season, crop yields have dropped and paddy prices have risen.

As costs for inputs are impossible to drop, farmers are of the opinion that authorities and businessmen should intervene and control the prices.