CNI News

17 Sept 2022

The National Unity Government should mediate in clashes between the Shanni Nationalities Army and the joint forces of the Kachin State Independence Army and the People Defence Force in Banmauk Township, Sagaing Region, according to local residents in Banmauk.

A camp of the SNA in Banmauk Township came under attack by joint forces of the KIA and the PDF on 20th August. The two sides engaged in fighting on 23rd August again.

Sai Kham, a local resident, told the CNI, “The SNA has adopted a policy to pursue democracy and federalism. It is believed that both the KIA and the PDF have taken the path to democracy and federalism. Why is the PDF fighting against a democratic force? It is completely wrong to attack a democratic force. The NUG should be responsible for this.”

The entrance to Banmauk.

Local residents said armed clashes between the SNA and joint forces of the KIA and the PDF in Banmauk Township have forced residents to halt their farming activities and the joint forces carried out arrests and recruitments in the area. Local residents said the situation posed a threat to their livelihoods and the NUG should mediate in the armed clashes.

SNA spokesman Col Sai Aung Mein told the CNI that there was no reason to fight against each other among organizations pursuing democracy and federalism.

He told the CNI, “It can be said that there is an ulterior motive to attack each other among organizations that are pursuing democracy and federalism. There is no reason for the PDF to fight against us. The KIA has controlled them and they have to do as the KIA instructs. The NUG has not said anything about this and we have not discussed anything with the NUG.”

NUG Prime Minister Mann Win Khaing Than and PDF troops.

The CNI contacted KIA spokesman Col Naw Bu about the clashes between the SNA and joint forces of the KIA and the PDF but he did not answer the phone.

Armed conflicts in Myanmar must be resolved through negotiations politically, Kachin Politician U Kwam Gaung Aung Kham told the CNI.

He said, “We have nothing to say about what is right and what is wrong. As a politician, I want to say that if someone takes up arms, others will do the same. Tensions depend on their attitudes. I would like to highlight that we need to build a genuine federal union as soon as possible. Only then, will our country be peaceful and prosperous. Otherwise, the civil war has been raging for more than 70 years. So, armed struggle has prevailed over political means. Whoever wins or loses in the armed struggle has to resolve issues through political means eventually.
On 8th August, joint forces of the KIA and the PDF raided a camp of the SNA near Hsezin Village in Hpakant Township.

The SNA, the KIA and the PDF.

The SNA is an ethnic armed organization fighting for founding Shanni State by integrating Mawlike District, Kale District, Hkamti District, Katha District and Tamu District in Sagaing Region and Bhamo District, Myitkyina District, Mohnyin District and Moekaung District in Kachin State.

The KIA is an ethnic armed organization aiming to build a federal union and the PDF is an armed organization that emerged from the Spring Revolution and is trying to eliminate military dictatorship.