CNI News

17 Sept 2022

A heavy weapon round fell into the Mwedaw Church, where internally displaced persons were taking shelter, in Moebye at the border of Shan State (South) and Kayah State, killing a boy and a girl (siblings) and two men, according to a statement issued on 16 September by Moebye Rescue Team.

The rescue team announced, “Residents of Moebye should not gather in crowds and take shelter in safe places.”

A heavy weapon round fired by the Tatmadaw fell into the Mwedaw Church on 16th September, killing a boy and a girl (siblings) and two men over 50-year-old and injuring nine other civilians, according to the rescue team.

Civilians injured by a heavy weapon round in Moebye on 16th September, 2022. (Moebye Rescue Team)

Since 8th September, fighting has broken out between the Tatmadaw and joint forces of the Karenni National Defence Forces, the Karenni Army, Moebye People’s Defence Force, Phekhon PDF and the Karenni Revolutionary Union.

Tensions were running high between the two sides and clashes could break out at any time.

More than 4,000 people have been displaced by the clashes since then.

The Tatmadaw has not issued any statement about the incident.