CNI News

14 Sept 2022

The United States fuels conflicts and sells weapons because the arm industry plays a major role in its economy, said Chairman of State Administration Council Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing.
He made the comment during an interview with the RIA news agency of Russia.

He said, “I have seen that the US has been providing and selling weapons to Taiwan. Manufacturing weapons is one of its key industries. The similar moves are seen in Ukraine. It tends to fuel conflicts and provide arms and ammunition. By supplying its reserved arms and ammunition, it tries to change the form of the conflict. When it has used up its reserved arms and ammunition, it needs to replenish its stock. Everyone who understands the nature of war can see it.”

The RIA new agency interviews Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

The SAC chairman seemed to be responding to the accusations that the it was suppressing the people by purchasing military hardware from China and Russia, Political Analyst U Than Soe Naing said.

U Than Soe Naing told the CNI, “The international community has accused the SAC of suppressing the people and resorting to violence by using Chinese and Russian weapons. So, he seemed to defend purchasing weapons from China and Russia by pointing out that a leading democracy like the US also sells weapons to protect countries with their preferred political system.”

As China was trying to distance itself from the Myanmar issue, the junta was likely to try to promote relations with Russia, he added.

Currently, Myanmar has faced a political crisis and the US and European countries have refused to recognize the SAC rule and are putting pressures on it by imposing economic sanctions.