CNI News

13 Sept 2022

The Kachin Independence Army would return to the two fallen outposts near Shaduzup Village in Hpakant Township, a Hpakant resident told the CNI.

He said, “The Tatmadaw takes KIA outposts and leaves them without stationing troops there. We have seen this since childhood. When they retreat, KIA troops will return to the outposts. The Tatmadaw cannot station troops there and will have to withdraw. The KIA will come back.”

The Tatmadaw and militia troops attacked and occupied the two KIA outposts with the assistance of air power in the morning on 12th September.

Militia troops.

Hukaung Area, where the two outposts are located, is famous for its gold and amber mines and an economic hub.

The CNI contacted Spokesperson Col Naw Bu for comments but he was not available.

The KIA has accused the militia of supporting the Tatmadaw and frequently attacked them but the militia also accused the KIA of committing destructive acts in villages, according to Hpakant residents.

Tatmadaw and militia troops take over an outpost of the KIA in Donban Station on 12th September, 2022

A resident of Hpakant said, “Both the KIA and the militia are trying to control the area. If they continue to fight for the control of the area, it will be impossible to restore peace in the country. It will be difficult to carry out regional development tasks. If they stayed in areas under their control peacefully, there would be no clashes. Now, they want to expand their territories. So, armed clashes break out frequently and many of them die during fighting. We have seen such incidents since childhood and don’t know when they will end.”

Tensions between Shaduzut militia and the KIA escalated frequently and clashes broke out between them on 12th September, according to local residents.

Clashes break out frequently between militia groups and the KIA in Hpakant, which is famous for its jade mines, and Tanai, which is renowned for its gold and amber mines.