CNI News

12 Sept 2022

Clashes between the Tatmadaw and Karenni armed forces (joint forces) in Moebye near the border of Shan State (South) and Kayah State damaged more than 100 houses, according to a statement issued by the Progressive Karenni People’s Force on 12th September.

Fighting between the Tatmadaw and the joint-forces of the Karenni National Defence Force and the Karenni Army has escalated in Moebye Township since 8th September and more than 100 houses have been damaged until 12th September.

Houses damaged during clashes in Moebye. (PKPF)

“Random firing of heavy weapons by the Tatmadaw destroyed more than 40 houses in Ward-1, Ward-2 and Ward-3 on 11th September evening. Four days of intense fighting damaged more than 100 houses,” the statement of the PKPF information bureau on 12th September said.

As clashes continued on 12th September for the fifth day, Karenni groups urged the public not to use Moebye-Phekon Road.