CNI News

12 Sept 2022

Internally Displaced Persons in Depayin Township in Sagaing Region have faced food shortages, organizations supporting the IDPs told the CNI.

Philanthropic organization were not able to access the area due to clashes and an ambulance was attacked five months ago, Chairman U Khin Maung Tint of Parahits Min Khaung Rescue and Charity Organization in Mandalay told the CNI.

He told the CNI, “It is very difficult to go to the area at present. We have to pass through many checkpoints when we transport patients.”

There are six IDP camps in the township and some camps are accommodating as much as 700 IDPs, Ko Khant Zaw (changed name), who has been providing assistance to IDPs, told the CNI.

He said, “We have to cook 12 basket of rice a day for them. They need food, shelter and clothing. We accommodate them in monasteries and schools. Food is very important for their survival. It is very difficult for us to feed them in the long run. We need support for them.”

Members of the BIA donate rice for IDPs, whose houses were burnt down during clashes in Depayin. (BIA-fb)

Although public administration bodies provide food for them, pregnant women, elderly people and children lack healthcare services.

IDPs in Depayin Township are suffering from physical and mental impacts of the conflicts.

According to a statement of the UNHCR on 1st February 2021, there were 346,600 IDPs and the number of IDPs has increased by 866,400 recently.

The CNPFD announced on 26th May 2021 that it would take measures to provide humanitarian aid to people affected by armed conflicts and to protect IDPs.