CNI News

3 Sept 2022

Rice is being distributed to workers in industrial zones in Yangon Region at cheaper prices, according to the Myanmar Rice Federation.

As the prices of rice have risen, rice is sold to grass roots in industrial zone at cheaper prices, Secretary U Aung Myint of the MRF told the CNI.

“The prices of rice have increased. So, we sell rice to them at cheaper prices because there are many grass roots in industries. The prices of all commodities including rice have risen. Our federation is selling rice at reasonable prices in tax-free markets,” he said.

   The MRF distributes rice at cheaper prices at Wardan Road Commodity Exchange. (CNI)

In cooperation with merchants, officials from industrial zones and the MRF is distributing Pyapon Pawsan rice at MMK 12,800 per bag (five pyis) and Emata rice at MMK 8,000 per bad (five pyis).

An official from the MRF told the CNI, “Sometimes, officials from industrial zones report their need to us and we sell rice for farmers after negotiation with them. Sometimes, we sell rice in cooperation with the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry.”

Factory owners are required to submit the list of their workers to relevant industrial zone committees and the MRF sells rice to workers at cheaper prices in accordance with the list of workers approved by industrial zone committees.

Moreover, the MRF has been distributing Shwebo Pawsan, Pyapon Pawsan, Kyarpyan and 90-day rice varieties at cheaper prices at Wardan Road Commodity Exchange of the MRF in cooperation with rice associations since 3rd August.