CNI News

3 Sept 2022

Forces of the Kachin Independence Army and the People’s Defence Force has attacked forces of the Shanni National Army without fighting the Tatmadaw, Spokesperson Col Sai Aung Mein of the SNA told the CNI.

He added that the KIA has launched military operations in areas where Shanni people live with the aim of destroying Shanni people totally.

He told the CNI, “The KIA and the PDF are attack our SNA without fighting the Tatmadaw because areas controlled by the SNA are rich in natural resources. The KIA has been trying to penetrate the areas for a long time. So, the KIA entered the areas by exploiting the PDF during the political crisis. Another reason is that the areas where they launched military operations are the areas of Shanni people under our control. So, Shanni people suffered deaths, injuries and destructions of war. Towns and villages were damaged. Shanni people are forced to suffer the destructions of war. As they don’t want Kachin people to suffer the destructions, they launched military operations in our areas. It can be said that they are trying to destroy our people totally.

A ward in Banmuak.

Clashes broke out between the SNA and allied forces of the KIA and the PDF near Asheigone Village in Banmauk Township in the morning of 31st August.

It was reported that the KIA and the PDF have demanded five youths in each village in Banmauk Township for conscription, but the CNI was not able to independently verify the news.

He hadn’t received any report of clashes in Banmauk Township, Spokesperson Col Naw Bu of the KIA told the CNI.

Forces of the SNA.

Col Naw Bu said, “I haven’t received any report about clashes with the SNA at the border areas with Sagaing Region. Our forces there haven’t sent any reports. So, we don’t know anything.”

Allied forces of the KIA and the PDF launched attacks on an SNA outpost near Hsezin Village in Hpakant on 8th August.

Similarly, Allied forces of the KIA and the PDF raided an SNA outpost near Namthoung Village in Banmauk Township on 23 August and both sides suffered causalities.

The SNA is an ethnic armed organization fighting for founding Shanni State by integrating Mawlike District, Kale District, Hkamti District, Katha District and Tamu District in Sagaing Region and Bhamo District, Myitkyina District, Mohnyin District and Moekaung District in Kachin State.