NSPNC, 3EAOs discuss schedule 1/2 of 2008 constitution

CNI News

25 August 2022

The National Solidarity and Peace-making Negotiation Committee and leaders of three EAOs discussed union legislative list (schedule -1)and region or state legislative list (schedule-2) of the 2008 constitution in Nay Pyi Taw on 23rd August.

The three EAOs include the Pao National Liberation Organization, the Arakan Liberation Party and the Lahu Democratic Union.

The NSPNC and leaders of three EAOs discussed union legislative list (schedule -1), region or state legislative list (schedule-2)  and of the 2008 constitution and sector-wise processes and implementation of them in the post 2020 period and the negotiations have been scheduled until 26th August.

Chairman Lt-Gen Yar Pyae and Secretary Lt-Gen Min Naung of the NSPNC, SAC member Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun and NSPNC members Lt-Gen Win Bo Shein, Lt-Gen Min Naing and Lt-Gen Aye Win took part in the discussions.

Snr Gen Min Aung Hlaing receives delegates of the PNLO, the ALP and the LDU on 22nd August, 2022.

From the side of the EAOs, Chairman Khun Thurein and Vice Chairman Khun Tun Tin of the PNLO, Vice Chairperson Saw Mya Yarzar Lin and Central Executive Committee Member Khaing Soe Mya of the ALP and Chairman Kyar Solomon and General Secretary Kyar Yarkoke of the LDU joined the discussions.

The SAC chairman invited EAOs to peace talks on 22nd April 2022 and the first round of talks from May to 4th August with signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement including the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army, the New Mon State Party, the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army, the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army-Peace Council, the PNLO, the ALP and the LDU and non-signatories to the NCA the United Wa State Army, the National Democracy Alliance Army and the Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army.

The second round of talks with the PNLO, the LDU and the ALP started on 22nd August.