CNI News

25 August 2022

An allied force of the Kachin Independence Army and the People’s Defence Force intimidated about 30 young people from Pinkhar Village in Banmauk, Sagaing Region, into signing pledges not to contact the Shanni National Army, according to local residents.

After clashes with the SNA in Kyauktan and Asheigone villages on 23rd August, the allied force of the KIA and the PDF abducted about 30 youths from Pinkhar Village, accusing them of supporting the SNA, U Nay Lin, a Banmauk resident, told the CNI.

SNA troops.

He said, “The youths are residents of Pinkhar Village. The allied troop of the KIA and PDF told them not to join the SNA and to sign pledges not to support it. They were asked to sign the pledge at the house of Tin Maung Myint near the village junction at 9 am. If they refused to sign the pledge, the KIA will detain and kill them. So, they were afraid of the KIA and went to the house to sign the pledges. There were about 30 of them. When they arrived at the house, they were forced to get on their vehicle and taken to their headquarters. We are sorry about the incident. This is an inhumane act.”
Although the CNI tried to contact KIA officers, they did not answer the phone.

  An SNA soldier and the entrance to Banmauk.

Tensions are running high between the allied force and SNA troops in Banmauk Township.

The 200-strong allied force launched an attack on a SNA outpost at 6 am on 20th August.

An SNA outpost near Hsezin Village in Hpakant also came under attack from the allied force on 8th August.

Tensions are running so high between the allied force and SNA troops that they clashed again on 23rd August.

The SNA is an ethnic armed organization fighting for founding Shanni State by integrating Mawlike District, Kale District, Hkamti District, Katha District and Tamu District in Sagaing Region and Bhamo District, Myitkyina District, Mohnyin District and Moekaung District in Kachin State.