CNI News

24 August 2022

With the Flower Garden project conducted by the Ministry of Immigration and Manpower of SAC, 52o household demographics form 66/6; 20,884 citizens verifications cards have been issued in the Shan State (Eastern) special region 4 Myla town.

The National Card Handing Ceremony was held in Myla on August 20, 2022 and from SAC’s side, Shan State Chief Minister Dr. Kyaw Tun, state government members, commander of the Triangle Regional Military Headquarters General Myo Min Tun, and Chairman of Shan State (Eastern) State subgovernment U Ye Naing attended.

According to Mongla News, from special region 4 of Myla, Special Region 4 Peace and Unity Committee Vice Chairman U San Pae; Peace and Unity Committee Member, Vice Chairman of the Military Committee, U Lau Chan Pao; Peace and Unity Committee Deputy Secretary (2) U Ah Lu; Communication Department Head U Sai Mauk, and 200 local ethnic people attended.

The National ID handing ceremony was held in Special Region 4 on 20 August 2022 (Mongla News)

520 household demographics form 66/6 20,884 national identity cards are now issued for the second time. Therefore, total household demographics form 66/6 1877 groups and 29201 national identification cards have been reportedly issued.

Special Region 4 Myla is under the control of the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA-Myla) and the capital of the region is Myla.

The NDAA broke away from the Communist Party of Burma (BCP) in 1989. Since they had a truce with the Tatmadaw, they were designated as Special Region 4 and granted autonomy. However, according to the Article 56 of the 2008 Constitution, they have not yet been recognized as an autonomous region.

Currently, the NDAA is taking control of administration, judiciary, economy, social, health, and education and is on the process of request to officially recognize them as an autonomous region.

2022 On June 4, the delegation led by NDAA vice-chairman U San Pei accepted the peace talks invited by General Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of SAC where they met and discussed the designation of self-governing regions.