CNI News

24 August 2022

It was stated on August 21 that Karenni army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) B17-B14 attacked and captured Myanmar Military’s base camp which is on Shan-Kayah border, Shar Taw township, Kayah (Karenni) State.

Karenni Army (KA)’s statement described that that camp is Myanmar Military’s base camp point 5350 (locally known as Tanguso camp).

Myanmar military camp which was destroyed by fire (Karenni Army Center-Kn.A.C)

It also mentioned that the camp was destroyed by fire and 8 base camps including the intermediate camp of SAC which is in SharTaw township were captured after the military coup.

Regarding this issue, SAC still has not released any information. KNDF is the People’s Defense Force which appeared from Spring Revolution (starting from Feb 1, 2021) to overthrow the military.

KA is the military branch of Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP). Currently, the clashes are happening frequently between the Myanmar Military and KA-KNDF joint forces in Kayah State.

Because of those battles, there are people who have fled their homes and there are also fire damages.